The retina is a layer at the back of the eye that is responsible for vision. With diabetic retinopathy your retina may go through a series of changes. These may include leakage or closure of capillaries (tiny blood vessels) or growth of weak, new capillaries. These changes may progress in severity leading to reduced vision.
Diabetic retinopathy is best managed with good blood pressure and blood glucose control.
This type of laser treatment, also known as scatter laser, is performed using a thermal laser.Scatter laser helps to control the growth of abnormal blood vessels on the retina. Several sessions will be required depending upon the severity of your retinopathy.
You will be in the clinic for at least 2 hours.
You will have pupil enlarging eye drops instilled which last for several hours, so you will be unable to drive home.
Local anaesthetic drops will also be instilled before the procedure.
Treatment is delivered through a lens which rests against your eye.
Please take all of your usual medications prior to your appointment, unless otherwise advised by your doctor.
If you have diabetes please ensure you have your normal meals and bring snacks for while you wait.
Side effects may include pain and sensitivity to light (photophobia) which may require some pain relief. Wearing sunglasses (with your prescription, if required) can make the trip home more comfortable.