Laser retinopexy
Your condition
The retina is the light sensitive layer that lines the inside of the eye. If the retina is unable to function properly visual loss can result. Like an old pair of jeans, the retina can thin with age and holes or tears can form.
As the jelly in front of the retina (vitreous) degenerates into a watery state, it can pull on the thin weak parts of the retina causing a break in the retina. If the watery component then seeps through a hole or tear in the retina, it can cause a retinal detachment.
What does the laser do and how does it work?
This type of thermal laser, also known as barrier laser, is used to create scar tissue around the hole or tear. Like welding, this procedure will attach the retina to the layers underneath it more firmly. If caught early enough, barrier laser will usually prevent progression to retinal detachment.
What to expect?
- Local anaesthetic drops will also be instilled before the procedure.
- Treatment is delivered through a lens that rests against your eye.
- Your vision may be somewhat blurred and you may continue to see the same flashes and floaters following the treatment. These usually settle down over several weeks, however any new changes in vision warrant a re-examination immediately.
- The side effects may include pain and sensitivity to light (photophobia) which may require some pain relief. Wearing sunglasses (with your prescription, if required) can make the trip home more comfortable.