Laser posterior capsulotomy

Laser posterior capsulotomy

Your condition

screen-shot-2016-09-08-at-4-56-34-pmDuring cataract surgery your normal lens (which sits behind the iris or coloured part of the eye) is removed and an artificial lens replaces it.

Surrounding your lens is a bag called a ‘capsule’ that is left behind once your natural lens has been removed. The new artificial lens is placed inside this capsule to help keep it in position.

Sometimes the back or posterior of this capsule behind the new lens becomes cloudy. This can happen weeks or months after cataract surgery causing glare and blurry vision.

What does the laser do and how does it work?

screen-shot-2016-09-08-at-4-56-44-pmTo rectify the cloudy lens, your ophthalmologist (eye doctor) can use a laser to create a hole through the cloudy capsule.

What to expect?


  • You will have pupil enlarging eye drops instilled, so you will be unable to drive home.
  • Local anaesthetic drops will also be instilled before the procedure.
  • Treatment is delivered through a lens that rests against the eye. The treatment usually restores vision, if it is the only cause of symptoms.
  • Side effects may include slight discomfort, sensitivity to light (photophobia), red eye, occasional swelling, seeing floaters and blurred vision. Wearing sunglasses (with your prescription, if required) can make the trip home more comfortable.